So, I was at a gas station the other day when I overheard the following conversation between two employees, with CNBC playing in the background:
Employee 1: Bro, technical indicators show there’s an 80% chance that BitCoin hasn’t peaked.
Employee 2: For reals?
Employee 1: Yeah, man, but I think I might want to short it ’cause it might go down. You could make a lot on 20% odds. Even if it hasn’t peaked doesn’t mean it won’t go down, bro.
Employee 2: No joke.
Employee 1: Problem is I’m fully invested right now, man. Like, I’m in AGRD and BAT. I had $800 in Tesla, then it went down to $675, man with the trade war, I got no extra cash man. I got not ammunition, bro.
Employee 2: Yeah, bro, you’re shootin’ blanks. You’re always shootin’ blanks, bro, hahah.
Employee 1: Outside of my stocks, I’ve got $150. All the rest is in trading.
Employee 2: Yeah, bro, you’re slacking. All you do is go home after work, take a shower and take naps. Stop going home after work and taking naps. Gotta figure out your game, get out there and do that trading. Stop napping, man. Do some of that meditation, bro.
Money Blawgger: <I wonder what AGRD and BAT are…looking them up on my phone….can’t find a ticker for AGRD….Mindfulness meditation, not a bad idea>
What’s the point of this blog post? Either, this conversation is an early indicator that we’ve hit the top of the market and should start worrying about a downturn. Or, I really need to go and buy some BitCoin.